The Sun in Splendour
If you like a good story, then the first concert of our 2013/14 season in Wakefield Cathedral on Saturday Evening 16th November is not to be missed. 'The title piece of the evening 'The Sun in Spendour' is a new work by the prolific Streethouse born composer, Alan Simmons. Originally written for young people and performed by Wakefield Schools at the Schools Prom a few years ago, Alan has rearranged this, at the request of the YPC, into a choral feature.
It tells the story of the significant part of The War of the Roses in this area, starting with The Battle of Wakefield at Christmas 1460 and ending with the Battle of Towton on Good Friday 1461. The piece uses narration, soloist, chorus and dancers from the Cathedral Academy in the 'Merrie Citie' of Wakefield itself. A feast for your senses.
The programme starts with 'St Nicolas' by Benjamin Britten. A Cantata telling the story of Nicolas who became the 4th Century Bishop of Myra and one of those at the famous Council of Nicaea. His story is full of miracles, contradiction and controversy. Somehow he became the basis of 'Santa Claus'
These are two great stories told in music and action. I recommend you come and hear how both composers accomplish the task of musical storytelling in their own very different ways.
In contrast, Schubert's 'Mass in G' has been called 'a grand little service' and is his most popular short Mass setting.
The concert will feature the choir with soloists, dancers and the renowned Amici Orchestra in the beautifully renovated surroundings of Wakefield Cathedral.
As always with a YPC concert - plenty of interest, fabulous music of the highest quality and comfortable surroundings - where else would you be? Tickets are available through this website.