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Wonderful Choir Reunion

What a fantastic time was enjoyed by about 120 past and present members of the choir, some of whom had travelled considerable distances, (even from France), to gather at Holmfield House, Wakefield for the Grand Diamond Jubilee Lunch and afternoon celebration.

Right from the start with pre-lunch drinks, the buzz of conversation and laughter was constant, as old friends and choir colleagues met again after many years and new friendships were made 'across a crowded room'.

The whole event was envisioned by the 60th Anniversary Committee with Sally Forrester taking the lead in organising both venue and menu, which were excellent and perfect for the occasion.

Our chairman, Derek Howell, played the host and directed the proceedings throughout, which included memorable contributions, full of reminiscences and stories, from former MD Jonathan Bielby and our former Chairman, Richard Haigh. Messages were read out from former members who could only be with us in spirit, some of whom are now living in far away places.

One of the aims was to try to share something of current choir activities and a fun game of 'Heads and Tails' followed on from lunch with a spectacular hamper, with reminders of the 1950's in its content, being the prize.

Later, a brief 'Cabaret' followed in the style the choir has adopted after the choir meal on its foreign tours. This brought both the chance to laugh together and to sing together. That organised part concluding with the impromptu singing of Mozart's 'Ave Verum Corpus', just 'for old time's sake'.

The time seemed to flash by and 4.30 was upon us very quickly. Guests began to say their farewells and hugs and kisses were exchanged, but the memory of the day will live on for all those fortunate enough to be there. Many even said 'here's to the next time'...

Hopefully photos of the event will be on this website shortly.

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The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir is a

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Charity Number: 1123716

Company Number: 06515248




Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm in the QE Hall, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Northgate, Wakefield, WF1 2DQ

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