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A Few things you need to know

Dear All,

This is a bit of an all in one message, trying to deal with a few things all at once, so you are not flooded out with emails. It will also appear on the members section of the website, so you will also get a message from there too.

1. Cakes:

Thank you all for supporting last evenings first attempt. It was a huge success and Pat has slightly increase the funds raised now to £97.75. Thanks to all who contributed and all who bought. I hope you are enjoying/have enjoyed what you bought, even though it is Lent! Anyway, we hope to hold a similar evening every 'term'. These may be extended to include other 'produce'.

2. Cheese and wine Event on Tuesday 8th April (2 weeks time).

As most of you will know, at least once a year we hold a cheese and wine event within a rehearsal. This involves there being no tea break and a 9.00pm finish to singing, so we can all share in this mini social event including cheese and wine/soft drinks. Our Patrons are invited to join us that evening. Judith Hutton and Joy Waters and a small team organise this and more details will be given at next week's rehearsal. It usually does involve each of us bringing a glass and making a small contribution.

3. Some issues of personal discipline

Gosh that sounds serious...well it is, a little. At Committee last Sunday Evening a couple of issues of concern were raised as regards our rehearsals, so I will point those out and ask that each of us looks to address them as appropriate:

3.1. Use of mobile phones: it has been noted that texting is sometimes going on during a rehearsal, even texting between members in the rehearsal. Possibly also emails are being read and answered. Please don't do this. It's distracting, discourteous and unnecessary. Mobiles should be on silent during a rehearsal and if you do need to answer either a call or text received during rehearsal, please get up and leave the rehearsal room to do so.

3.2 Sometimes, when Andrew stops us, the talking level is unacceptable. Also when one or other sections is being rehearsed, sometimes, some of those not involved start talking. We are not trying to put a damper on the fun of being together or on the odd comment between people, but just to ask for good sense and courtesy to prevail. Recently the tea break has slightly lengthened (I know some are not happy about that and we will try to restrict it to about 15 mins), obviously some conversations need to happen, so try to fit major discussion into that time, then return to your seats ready to begin.

4. Give as you Live

You may like to know that since we started encouraging members to use this scheme in 2012, £163 has painlessly been raised for choir funds. Again, if you have not used the scheme and are able to please do so. Gary has put the usage guidance on the members section of the website, please read it and try it.

There seems to be 2 ways activating once you have registered and name the YPC as your charity. The first is that on sites such as Amazon and others, once you log in a Give as you live logo appears at the top of the page with a red button. Once you click on the red button it turns to green and you will get a confirmation note that a contribution will be made if you then place your order. The second is to order through the Give as You Live site, following the instructions given.

As an example Thomas Cook Holidays will donate 2.75% of any spending

B & Q will donate 1.75% Amazon will donate 1.5% Thomson (holidays) will donate 1.25%

John Lewis will donate 1.00%

and there are many many more. so you see the potential for the choir to receive income is considerable, especially with holidays coming up, if you are booking. 2 members pointed out to me that they had just booked a holiday through one of the above which would potentially generate about £50 to the YPC once they had paid it in full.

I might also add this also applies if you pay by credit card as long as GaYL has been activated.

I will repeat again that you do not have to give any of you bank details to GaYL when registering - it is not you who is contributing, it is the business you are buying from. If you haven't done so, please think about it.

5. Concert Dates, Venues and Repertoire to 2016

Please note the following and put them in your diary. I hope you can see we have a full and varied plan, although, as you see, some concert repertoire has not yet been finalised. All plans are subject to change or addition of course, but all the dates and venues are now booked.

For those newer members who may be unaware: we have a partnership with Harrogate Choral Society, of which Andrew is also Musical Director, to perform, occasionally (approx. every 3 years), as 'Yorkshire Voices' in Leeds Town Hall. The June 2016 concert will be the 3rd such outing since 2008, the previous 2 (Verdi Requiem; Armed Man/African Sanctus) being great successes. We are looking forward to another special event then and for all our planned concerts.

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The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir is a

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Charity Number: 1123716

Company Number: 06515248



Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm in the QE Hall, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Northgate, Wakefield, WF1 2DQ

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