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YPC on Give as You Live

I hope that you will be interested to note that the YPC has teamed up with Give as You Live in a specific campaign for the Choir.

If you're not yet familar with how things work, Give as You Live enables everyone and anyone who buys online from well known companies such as John Lewis or Amazon and hundreds of others, to request that those companys contribute a small percentage of each purchase price they receive from you to a charity named by you.

Now, you can name Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir as your charity and the choir will receive a donation through Give as you Live, everytime you buy either by going through the Give as You Live site or directly from the supplier.

This costs you nothing, doesn't need you to disclose any bank or financial details and will help the choir to continue to (as our Give as You Live strap-line says) Guarantee Great Choral Music.

If music is a big part of your life and you care that it continues to be available and performed live, please consider signing up.

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The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir is a

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Charity Number: 1123716

Company Number: 06515248




Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm in the QE Hall, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Northgate, Wakefield, WF1 2DQ

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