YPC videos - Vivaldi Gloria
Thank you everyone for being so brilliant at our first recording session on 5 April. It was great that so many were able to make the Friday night rehearsal. My father, Michael, and his friends from the Doncaster Movie Makers were really impressed with the professionalism of the choir, our discipline and, most of all, the fabulous sound we made!
Below are the first videos. We will be using clips from some of these in a compilation video, but we wanted to share them with the choir now. They are not publicly available at the moment so please could I ask you not to post/share the links elsewhere.
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Et in terra pax
Gratias agimus tibi & Propter magnam gloriam
Domine Fili unigenite
Qui tollis peccata mundi
Quonium tu solus sanctus & Cum Sancto Spiritu