Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir cuts a real dash, with a bit of brass and lots of class!

A packed Wakefield Cathedral rang to the rafters with lovely music on Saturday 15th December with the Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir’s Annual Christmas Concert.
Along with the utterly charming Silcoates School Junior Choir (directed by Sharon Stacey) the fabulous Brass Quintet (Niall McEwan; Suzanne Crowther; Paul Kampen; Nick Walker and Nick Dolling) and the virtuoso (Santa) ‘Claus of the Keys’ Tom Moore (Organ), the choir treated the audience to a wonderful evening of Christmas music.
The whole performance was inspired by the creative genius of Andrew Padmore, who in addition to conducting an evening of wonderful music, ‘doubled up’ as Master of Ceremonies, Continuity Announcer and ‘Stand Up’ Comedian.
The programme included a mixture of old favourites and exciting new arrangements; tender lullabies and rousing carols; musical medleys and humorous songs.
The Brass Quintet entertained the audience with a range of pieces including John Iveson’s ‘A Carol Fantasy’; 'Mary’s Boy Child', arranged by Jan van Kraedonck and ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’, arranged by Andrew Padmore. Talented musicians each and every one of them – together they showed us that the whole is even greater than the sum of its parts. Brass at its very best.
Silcoates Junior School Choir demonstrated their tremendous versatility in six varied pieces, most of the arrangements being by their talented Director, Sharon Stacey, and brought the house down with their version of 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'. Their enjoyment of singing was infectious – and the real, beaming smiles on their faces (not the ones Sharon told them to put on) told us how much they were enjoying the evening. Real class.
The Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir, as ever, sang like angels – though in an arrangement of ‘Jingle Bells’ by David Willcocks, the men Ho-Ho-Ho-ed as if they were auditioning for the role of Santa Claus! Singing with excitement, energy, sensitivity and poignancy – the choir conveyed all the varied emotions of the season, showing why, for many, Christmas starts with the YPC Annual Christmas Concert in the lovely Wakefield Cathedral.
A great evening – and once again the Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir cuts a real dash!